Artwork By Jamie-Lee Love
1//Being Human
Touch. Faith. Being Human
Love. Pain. Being Human
Did you fear me at first?
Did you ask yourself why, existence exists in a dream state?
Do you need me at all?
I can tell by the folds of your brow you're consumed, you're confused, you've retreated.
Oh but we made plans while I lay there sleeping.
I heard you whispering sweetly.
Promising you'd complete me.
2//Sound Of Cats
Fresh cut grass, on patchwork lawns
Crystal white, the dew at dawn
Wind blows fast, over concrete stones
Safe as houses. Safe alone.
Rainbow chalk, on dirty glass
Fingerprints, from tiny hands
And the sound of cats, over the sound of cars
Tally marks on prison walls
And I still feel you, from way out there
I still hear you, I still care
And the silence chills, as the ravens crow
But from my window, summer glows
Time moves on. Time stand still
Unmarked crosses.
Untold will
And I still feel you. From way out there
I still hear you.
I still care
3//The Things They Say About Love
And when we go sailing, we won’t come back again
Tell me it's true, the things they say about love
He takes her to dances.
Tell me it's true, the things they say about love
She patches up his bruises,
Kisses, listens pushes.
It’s an inspired old game,
Making like the pictures in the window display
Dusty cabinets, Saturdays at home.
Tell me we can, the things they say about love
He sharpens my edges
Tell me we can, the things they say about love.
We used to be so reckless,
Racking up regrets.
Now we're the talk of town
Making like the pictures in the windows we hate
Love forever, into the unknown.
Tell me you're not bored, the things they say about love
She takes him for granted
Tell me you're not bored, the things they say about love
He always makes excuses,
And she says that he's useless
We're the talk of town
Making like the pictures in the window display.
Love forever, Saturdays at home
Alone, again.
And when we go sailing, we won’t come back again,
Will we?
Cause diamond circles break under heavy weight.
Forever isn't something I can contemplate.
Our fates entwined.
And he keeps me afloat when the winds are low,
But lately I've been sensing a screaming storm inside.
So will you and I go hand in hand and face the tide?
And when you and I go, tell me that we won’t come back again.
4//Swan Song
Lest, we wander on graceful, without hope.
Once, below and no more than I could cope with
You stumbled to my shore
When aboard, you fluttered and found your focus
All about me, but alone
And I asked you, when you came to
If you worried how the tide had changed for me?
You answered blankly
And I rushed you, so I’m sorry
But I couldn’t fight the liquid memory
Of falling, without wings
So I wandered on. Graceful. Without hope.
Stop. Release. And all in the name of progress.
You are beauty. I am tired
Frantic peace. The struggle beneath the water
All about me. Uninspired
And I wonder, when the waves break
If you’ll find the strength to speak your silence
You look so lonely
And I rushed you. So I’m sorry
But I couldn’t fight the liquid melody
Dying within me
So I wandered on. Graceful. Without hope
And the fact that I’m willing to change doesn’t mean that I’ve changed yet
And I need to be open with you, doesn’t mean that I’ll forget.
5//Coloured In
Finally feeling the urge to complete you
Finally sensing my space in your time.
How I need you.
Don't take my silence as trying to hurt you.
Know how I fell at your feet.
Came to love you.
Cold touch like stone
Into the unknown
We slept there on the phone.
We never needed more
Simple things
What life brings
Your silence
Coloured In
Bitter is the heart lost in moonlight
Shredded in the burst of a glass sky
We stand beneath air
It colours us in, darkens our skin
Listens to our silences.
This is where you and I meet
This is where puzzles complete
I break between the waves of your island.
You colour me.
Honestly, I want you to feel love
Listen to the spark sink between us
Believe what you need, if it picks you up.
Oblique in your sun,
Your colours run.
Honestly, the strength of your heart swells.
Reality is dark. We are compelled
Skin as it folds in our motion.
You colour me in.
Simple things.
What life brings
Your silence.
Coloured in.
Stolen little seconds
The corner of my eye
I look, you look
I feel, you feel
We say nothing
Hour interventions.
The tension, let it fly
I smile, you smile
We linger on
Saying nothing
I always get what I want.
But now I want for nothing
Deconstruct me
Let me yearn for something.
Tell me this is growing?
Being in the moment.
Knowing not to,
Holding on to
Let it pass me by
Stolen little seconds
Fossilized and frozen
This is danger
Letting the wild free
I am boiling over.
I always get what I want.
But now I want for nothing
Deconstruct me
Let me yearn for something.
I always get what I need.
Suddenly I need nothing
Deconstruct me,
Let me yearn for something
Your walls are like ash
Nothing sticks here only scatters
See nothing of love
Pretty pictures ember red
Your walls are like ash
Nothing lives here only clutches
Feel nothing of love
Pretty ideas
7//To The Water
Wish it all away
Waste it all away
Wish it was the same
Wish it all out of our minds
I go down to the water,
And I'm in love again
Little stays the same
You and I were always bound
To die
Waste it all away
Tracking all my veins
Out my mind
I go down to the water
And I'm in love again
Who's that staring back from the black water?
Little lost soul
Face cracked in the salt river
Never seemed more at home
Hands grasp to the cold metal
Shakes as your pulse takes hold
Last look at the dear green city
Boarded up and closed
Sold out she's a street seeker
Took you for a one night thing
3 months shackled down
In the midst of a drunken fling
If love is enough.
Where's the magnet to pull you home?
If love is enough
Why you still out here in the cold?
Don't come back before dawn
Bleed yourself dry first
Don't come back to my door
It's all conditional.
Who's that spinning plates treading deep water?
Better keep going.
Lips chapped from the red nectar
Never felt more on loan
Fate leans on the next splinter
Breaking the skin and bone.
If love is enough
Why do so many die alone?
I won't be back before dawn
Bleed myself dry first
I won't be back at your door
It's all conditional
And does your mother know?
What did you tell your mother son?
I wish I didn't go so deep
I wish that I could sleep
Coffee cup full of dread
Porcelain problems keep
And I've been saying yes
Till there's nothing left to do but weep
Send me a message
And I'll fear it till the void is breached.
Reach for the phone
I've been going mad at home.
People telling me there's more
And I should suffer for some inner peace.
But I can feel your hope for me
Turning into grief
I can feel your love for me
Turning into grief
Light in my fire, my wounded fire
Colours scorched my skin so tired
Petal's bled
You cannot sense it yet.
Throat tightened words fall flat
Fight to take your light, contract.
Petal's bled.
You started, front to back
And I see now how precious and alone we are.
For every road he walks, you'll run to get as far.
But petals will grow.
And fireflies, guide us in the dark.
Always be gentle, always keep control.
But don't ever stop the urge to speak your soul.
Nature rules all
And it happens before you know.
Breath harder, yes you can
Darling, look at me
Sink softer, grab my hand
It’s over now.
Fear nothing, yes you can
Darling look at me.
Sleep gently, understand
It’s all for you.
You walk in my shoes
But these feet are shaky
I stumble in corners
I don't know my roots, from my stems
You sob on my chest
My shadows fall naked
I love you in terror
Your petals laid out in my hands.
Was it you, who cast the first stone?
Turn your lights off.
You're older than you know
And time, it waits for no-one
You're losing focus
I used to travel. Now I stare at maps. Gazing lustful, longing for the journey back. I'm blesses with plenty. It's a blissful almanac. But I've lost focus, losing sleep and gaining fat.
I used to worry, that I was just playing a part. Talking nonsense and hoping that you'd call it art. I spent a long time, watching all you fall apart. My little world of wishful thinkers. Friends with troubled hearts.
And lately I've been talking less and hating more. Gathering grudges like they used to gather at my door. Jealously isn't something I relish. It’s genuinely sore. I wish I had the guts to say I need you more.
But I see ghosts in my coffee. Chasing mornings I've forgotten. Think I might not get the chance to stop, all the time I've borrowed. A tattooed tragedy, a caffeine calamity. Heart shapes on lamp shades. The curtains draw the light away.
And I don't regret a single day, I loved the paid. It's better baring naked words of war than taking blame. I'm actually amazed I ended up this way. Tiny fingers grasping on to every word I say.
So lately, I've been calling less and that's ok. I'm realizing my time isn't just a gift to give away. I know why you hide in the notes of the songs you play. I know why you're running from your honesty. The hardest face to face is your own. The hardest place to replace is home when you know what you've done.
And did you throw the first stone? Did you?
Was it you, who cast the first stone?
Turn your lights off.
You're older than you know
And time, it waits for no-one
You're losing focus
And little bits of me start to feel like history. Misty memories of wistfully missing you. Listening in mystery to my life read back to me. Thinking, 'really? I don't think that was ever my reality!' And yeah, I know that people have to go, nothing's set in stone. Friendship isn't guaranteed. You have to nurture what you've grown. But I'm not afraid to say, when it's time to move on. In fact I'm loving every swan song.
So if you hurt me, then I'm long gone and if sorry's not a word that you can muster, that's cool man. Just jog on. Because I turn myself inside out, dealing with this constant doubt, mindful of the part I play, respectfully giving you your space.
Know when it's time to be humble. I mumble nothing under my breath that I wouldn't make public. It’s an ugly circus, pointing fingers like we've got a purpose. Rendering any nuance worthless. Screaming 'Shameful!' from a broken soap box. Civil folk lost in a perpetual moral frost. A digital dust, making mockeries of conversation. You want to talk about metal health? Get off Facebook. Make a statement.
Is this you at your full engagement? How many mates have we lost to our casual vagrance? And what's the cost for the weans that we make to replace us? That's where I'm at with this. I need to get back to this.
Is there a knack to this? Or are we all just singing dancing selfish pricks talking pish? Probably
Being a mum has made me actively angry. Its n a case of how could she, who has and who hasn't. We are callously curating a narcissist's fantasy. Orwell would be amazed at how we feed our own tragedy.
I'm awkward, in need of validation. I'm nervous, in every conversation. I'm weak. But I'm constantly in motion. I'm an imposter voyaging blindly through the ocean.
I'm fierce, when it’s time to set the record. And I'm yours, if you're skilful on the fret board. But I'll say one thing, until we turn the tide.
Get honest with yourself, if you want to step outside.
Did you throw the first stone?
Was it you, who cast the first stone?
Turn your lights off.
You're older than you know
And time, it waits for no-one
You're losing focus
11//Through These Eyes
Well, it's Tuesday afternoon
And I've been thinking of your face
All the pain that you've erased from me
And every trouble you've had
And I truly believe
You only see the best in me
Although I wrestle with the notion
I could never give you all you need
And long, long ago
When I moved fast, and you moved slow
I swore I'd never let you go
And you would always have a friend in me
And even when I'm with you
It's strange but I still miss you
I'm compelled to hug and kiss you
And I'll always be around.
As my skin begins to burn
I can't help thinking of my son
All the things he could become
And how important his life is to me
Under a warm Spanish sky
I imagine the ways that I could die
And as the tears roll from my eyes
I know I could only do the best for him
And long before he came
I had decided on his name
You know, my brother's is the same
And Daniel's always been so strong and safe
And even when I'm with him
It's strange, but I still miss him
I'm compelled to hug and kiss him
And I'll always be around
Long may we be broken
I'm sure you'll call me any things
But through these eyes we love more
And dwell less, on the bad days
Long may we be foolish.
Just before the little things
Become the very reason
To dwell less, on the mad days
Well, it's Tuesday afternoon
And I've been thinking of your face
All the pain that you've erased from me
And every worry you'll never have
You are never too much.
Who you are, is enough
You are never alone
You matter
We are one.
My shadows, they hide in the light of day.
Peering through the creases, in my poetry
Dark moments seem endless,
But memories moments make
So, like the moon I'll take my place
In the blanket of the sky.
And for all the good the light does,
It's blocking the view
There's a reason that the darkness
Illuminates you.
My focus is drawn to the menace, the unknown.
Sinking. Like a candle in an underwater home
And the truth will find you broken
Yeah, but broken we are true
As the day depends on darkness,
I exist, only with you.
And for all the good the light burns,
The midnight wind repairs
With the shadow that adores you.
Illuminate the air.
Harness that emotion (give yourself some time)
Let the world go by
Harness that emotion (Step out of the fire)
And let the night-time whisper to you
Harness that emotion (Take your hand in mine)
Harness that emotion (Face the night, let’s face the night)
And trust the night will learn to love you.
13//Paper Wings
Oh to be gentle on the heels of man
Footprints like craters
I crawl to the centre and kiss the dirt.
Oh I imagine it’s warm up there
To be an observer, on a tapestry
Slowly but surely
The finest vibrations, in the veins of leaves
Oh I imagine it’s calmer there.
Warm up there
Oh to be torn from a world familiar.
To find wings at the end of the thread
I've been watching you all run riot
I see smoke beyond the water’s edge
And it all seemed so small in my head
It all seemed so warm up there
Oh to be gentle on the hearts of man
Blind to the beauty
Of small interventions in a greater plan
Notice the wonder in tiny things
Paper wings
Look at you now flying
To be over the work of ages
To see shapes in the curve of the earth
And to know that these things
Were made with paper wings.